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pic taken from www.robswihart.com |
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pic taken from www.pookypoetry.wordpress.com |
Time speeds on, one year has passed since I lost my dad to heart diseased.how I miss his smiling face and sweet memories together...I can't denied there are days I silently cried at night just thinking of him . How my daily life with him in this apartment i called home. We talked, sometimes yelled, and even laughed watching TV.. Letting go is hard to do
Yesterday i went to G2m church and Ps. Charlotte (she's a school teacher n preacher, his husband is a doctor. She has 3 children studying out of town, 1 doctor and 2 theology student. She said if she knew her 3 sons is going to leave her out of town, she would like to have 10 children Lol.) gave the message title "Letting Go". It was so powerful, touching and speak to me just at the right time. Let me share my notes (mix bahasa and english)
Phil 2 : 1-11
DO :
- sehati sepikir, being like minded
- satu kasih, having the same love
- satu jiwa, being one in spirit
- satu tujuan, being one in purpose
Dont :
- egois, selfish ambition
- mencari pujian yang sia-sia, vain conceit
- memperhatikan kepentingan diri sendiri, own interest
We should be : Humble (rendah hati) , menganggap orang lain lebih utama daripada dirinya sendiri, melepaskan hak. Melepaskan hak dari apa?
- dari rasa nyaman n aman (comfort zone)
- dihargai (respect)
- dibutuhkan (need)
- diuntungkan (advantage)
- diperhatikan (attention)
- dimiliki dan memiliki (possesing)
Letting go is hard to do.
Tujuan menjadi orangtua adalah melakukannya sampai anda tidak perlu terus menerus menjadi orangtua. Most parents said "I haven't done anything", "I'm not ready", "I'm sorry"
Good to know that children's are belong to God. God have specific calling and purpose for them. Parents is only God's tool to make them grow and ready. Question: how do parents know that their children is ready? -> when they mature in mind and independent, then they are ready facing the world.
Parents-children relationship should be strong and powerful in God. Hubungan yang kuat n erat dalam kasih dan anugerah Kristus. Merasa dikasihi dan menghargai hubungan. So anak tidak ingin keluar dari rumah secepat yang mereka bisa hanya karena ingin bebas, dll. but karena mereka ready. Letting go is having courage to accept. It changing relationship of children and parents. Letting the grow and letting them go
As children bring their broken toys
with tears for us to mend
I brought my broken dreams to Go
because He is my friend.
But instead of leaving Him
in peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help,
with ways that were my own.
At last, I snatched them back again
and cried,"How can You be so slow?"
My child "He said, "What could I do? You never did let go..."
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pic taken from www.grannyintraining.com |
Learn to let go and let God. In life, pasti ada perpisahan. Entah kita ditinggal or kita meninggalkan...I place the outcome not in my hands, but in God's hands. I accept the situation for what it is..with the Lord's help.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life
And here's a video played yesterday that made my eyes teary, somehow i feel it was so me......even i skip the wedding part that always be my dream since i was a little girl..
Open this link if it doesn't appear in your screen :
I love you Pah...
u're always be in my heart.
and i trust God to meet you again in Heaven...
The picture look so beautiful :D
heartbreaking song! ( telat pisan ya? baru baca blognya )