Thursday, July 5, 2012

My first day: Bunka Fashion

My weapon at Bunka School of Fashion, Jakarta

Malu bertanya sesat di jalan, sudah bertanya sesat di rambu

As good as I read google maps and predict the traffic, peraturan lalu lintas jam 06.00 - 10.00 pagi memang kurang bersahabat (baru sadar setelah 2 taun di Jakarte, at least... hahaha). You just can't go somewhere without learning something lol

Heading to the second floor, it was pretty cozy and fortunately the class just started. Got a goody bag with bunch of stuff (pic). You know... part of this going back-to-school-time is meeting new people rite? Today I met Vanny 18y.o and Febby 19y.o - haven't got any chance catching up with others, but this is enough to wake me up. How OLD are you Cynthia. and not forget to mention we learn about measurement and made skirt pattern today, yay ;) More about Bunka Fashion Jakarta click here

Later on, I got a call from Fimela team telling me that I'm in their top 5 finalist for the Greetings Competition. I was so excited! And directly bbm my mom explained about it. About two weeks ago, randomly i read tweet about the competition from @fimeladotcom and the next thing I know I submitted the quote (The requirement is about expressing your love and gratitude to your Mom - they'll pick 3 winner which will be flown to Bali). The event and winner announcement will be held this Sat at PS *finger cross saudara saudara*

Greetings Competition "Thank You Mom"


  1. cyn, di kanan blog gw ( namanya widget ) ada tulisan JOIN THIS SITE.. tah itu yang buat follow teh. wahahah

    1. Iya smangat back to blog! Bakalan banyak nanya sama ahlinya *hormat kaka* :D :D
      Kayaknya udah soalnya gak ada tanda nya ini, trus owl kalau mau logo blog yang oren custom gimana cara?
